Serving From The Inside Out – Workbook


This is a workbook and it is intended to be used in either one-on-one or in small groups to establish the new convert in the basics of the Christian faith.



Serving is essential to spiritual growth. Worship leads to service, being leads to doing and devotion leads to delight of duty. When our devotion is translated into Kingdom centeredness, it glorifies God and edifies man.

In this series on Serving From The Inside out, Pastor Benny will teach us the importance of Christian service. He examines why we serve and how we should serve, When we discover our calling, God develops our character and deepens our competency. This is where he will say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”


Topics in this series include

  1. Our Perspective of Service
  2. Our Potential through Service
  3. Our Place of Service
  4. The Practice of Service
  5. Our Posture in Service
  6. A Parable about Service

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