Breaking Out Of Soulish Living
This is an interesting expository study of Revelations 1-3 on the letters to the seven churches. With the consideration of geographical, cultural and historical background during the time of Revelation, this study will help one to appreciate better the content of the seven letters written by the Apostle John.
Even though these letters contain ancient messages, they are poignantly relevant to the modern church. They challenge is to live with the right priorities , biblical values and kingdom agenda. They address issues like spiritual lethargy , avoiding lukewarmness, facing persecution, escaping materialism, etc .
This series challenges us to break out of soulish living based on our own mind, will and emotions. When we live our lives based solely on what we think, what we want and how we feel, we will end up self-centred instead of God-centered.
God’s will is for us to be Spirit-led rather than soul-driven, We want to think spiritually, speak spiritually and act spiritually! This is the key to a victorious life in the Spirit.